United States California Palo Alto

Evvia Estiatorio

A renowned Greek restaurant renowned for authentic Mediterranean cuisine, from meze to grilled specialties, set in a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Evvia Estiatorio Guides

  • All the best cocktail bars in Silicon Valley

    explorelosaltos (Explore Los Altos )
    Silicon Valley is not just a powerhouse of innovation and tech wizardry; it's also home to a vibrant cocktail scene that caters to discerning palates and those looking to unwind after a bustling day of coding and deal-making. Whether you fancy a meticulously crafted classic or are eager to sample bold concoctions that push the boundaries of mixology, the Valley's cocktail bars have something to pique your curiosity. From hidden speakeasies to sleek lounges where the Silicon elite hobnob, we've scoured the area to bring you a curated list of the best cocktail bars that are sure to shake up your evenings with a blend of flair, flavor, and finesse.