Morocco Marrakesh-Safi Marrakesh


A historic imperial city in Morocco, famed for its medina, palaces, gardens and bustling Jemaa el-Fnaa square in the region of Safi.

Tips from the community

Think fast! There’s a man on a donkey careening towards you while someone else is intently trying to sell some fragrant spices from dozens of giant colorful buckets. Enter the Marrakech medina: a bustling hotspot for the senses with endless trinkets, fresh picked dates for days, and plenty of puzzling streets that fool at least 97% of navigation attempts. Most of the dreamy riads you can stay at are within this area — formidable, oasis-like lodgings that are everything one could possibly envision a Moroccan fairytale setting to be. I could’ve happily moved in at Rodamon Riad, a gorgeous multi-level guesthouse with deep emerald décor and a breezy rooftop to soak up the sun. Pro tip: If you can afford the time, stay for three days (at least) to experience most of the city. I got a little swept up and wandered around for an entire unplanned week finding new gems around every twisty turn. 10/10 travelers recommend.

sarahlempa 5 years ago

Marrakech is best known for its beautiful architecture and luxurious riads (traditional Moroccan homes), but there is so much more to enjoy while touring this Morroccan city, even whilst sticking to a strict budget. Indulge in spicy foods, spa days, and exceptional shopping without any worry of going over your set spending limit.

tuliefm 3 years ago

Marrakesh Guides

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