Albania Bucket List

Michele Humeston

This is budget-friendly Balkan getaway typically sees fewer crowds than the surrounding areas and is full of nature, charm, and history. Albania has emerged as a place to learn about architecture, relax on the beaches, try new cuisines, and meet friendly locals.

HANI i Pazarit “Boutique Hotel”, Ali Pasha Fortress - Porto Palermo, Rozafa Castle, Shurdhah Island, Mesi Bridge, Lezhë District, Komani Lake, Çobo Winery, Sotira's Waterfall, Osum Canyon, Bulevardi Republika, Preza Castle, Bunk'Art 2, Tirana Castle, Tanners' Bridge, Shpella e Pëllumbasit, Shëtitorja Murat Toptani, Gjirokastra bazaar, Ethnographic Museum, Skenduli House